System Check

Check your system configurations to make sure they match the requirements

Scan your system and check whether it meets the theme requirements.


  • General System Check – run the test to check the server configuration by navigating to System check section and clicking on Start testing button. The system will run the test and show you the results.

You may see the current server configuration and check whether it suits the recommended requirements.

One should pay special attention to the results of the testing as they influence the theme performance and options functioning.

Below you may find main server configurations and short information about them.

  • Web-server version – find out which web server your site is running on.
  • PHP interface – defines the PHP interface methods for the site.
  • PHP version – allows you to check the PHP version used for the site.
  • Execution time test (max_execution_time) and max_input_time – represent the time of performing any action – options saving, content installation, etc. The bigger the value is, the more time is allowed for executing the action. The min recommended value is 60.
  • Max_input_vars – represent the number of different values processed at a time. This value is important for proper menu functioning. We use 5000 value set for max_input_vars for our menus as far as the theme has a lot of menu items. You may use smaller values – 3000 or 1000 – in case you’ll be using fewer menu elements.
  • Upload_max_filesize – represents the max size of the element you may upload on your site – it can be the media library item or plugin/theme. We recommend you to set it at least to 32M for proper theme installation.
  • Memory_limit – is the general memory available for the site. The min recommended value is 128M for options saving and proper site performance. The more plugins and content you have, the bigger memory_limit value has to be set. We also recommend you to pay attention to the Actual memory limit value – it shows the real memory available for the site. Some php functions and modules also require memory, so even if the memory_limit is set to 128M, the actual memory limit may be about 102M, which is not enough.
  • Email Sending – this option has to be Enabled in case you want to use contact forms and subscriptions on the site.
WordPress configuration

You may check current WordPress and Active theme versions in this options section after running the System check.

Make sure the CMS and theme are up to date for proper and safe functioning.

Active plugins

You may also check the installed plugins and their versions in the System check section.

This is the fast and convenient way to check whether all site components are updated for better performance. You may also do that in the Plugins section of the admin area of the site.

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