Menu Settings Reset After Saving Menu

What to do in case the menu keeps resetting when you save it

You may encounter the issue with menu resetting when assigning new menu and saving it.

This is reasoning from low server configuration parameters, max_input_vars value in particular.

If you submit more menu item variables than the PHP-configured limit, the menu items over the limit will be lost. So if you submit 1200 variables, and the limit is 1000, the last 200 are simply discarded – WordPress never even knows they were sent. These 200 variables will correspond to the last 18 items or so in your menu.

It’s just a case when you need to configure your server properly.

Simply, contact your hosting provider and ask to increase the max_input_vars value for you.

  • Max_input_vars – represent the number of different values processed at a time. This value is important for proper menu functioning. We use 5000 value set for max_input_vars for our menus as far as the theme has a lot of menu items. You may use smaller values – 3000 or 1000 – in case you’ll be using fewer menu elements.
Check the recommended server configuration for proper theme functioning:
  • PHP version 5.3 and higher
  • memory_limit – 128M
  • max_execution_time – 120
  • max_input_time – 60
  • upload_max_filesize – 30M
  • max_input_vars – 3000

Make sure your server is set up properly and the theme and content will be loaded correctly. Enough server configuration will also ensure fast speed and increase performance.

More details about menu creation you may find in this post.



Regards, DFD Support Team


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